Gyan Bharati Vidyalaya - English medium school in Dunlop
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Gyan Bharati Vidyalaya - Best English Medium
School in North Kolkata. The school is located at 64
Nimtalla Ghat Street.
Mission & Vision
Gyan Bharati's (English medium school in
Dunlop) emblem is a glowing lamp symbolizing the light of knowledge that
dispels the darkness of ignorance. The motto of the Institution is "Aroha
Tamaso Jyotih" i.e. graduation from Darkness to Light.
Providing excellent education to the students is of course
the most important mission of Gyan Bharati. However, our aim is not only to
prepare the students for brilliant results in public examinations but also to
equip the students for effectively meeting the challenges of the competitive
world that is emerging. Adequate initiatives are taken and necessary
opportunities provided for character building and all-round development of the
students' personality so that they can become worthy citizens of our country.
Creative thinking by the students is encouraged and they are so nurtured that
they imbibe moral and aesthetic values, a keen sense of duty and responsibility
and a genuine concern and loving care for others and a strong urge for
betterment of the environment. Swami Vivakananda said, "Education is the
manifestation of perfection already in man" and that is the kind of
education Gyan Bharati seeks to impart.
More information:
Address: 64A, Nimtolla Ghat Street, P.S. - Jorabagan,
Kolkata-700006. West Bengal. India
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