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The full form of DMIT is the Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test. Dermatoglyphic is a field of science that studies the pattern of skin on the finger. It shows us the genetic basis for our innate abilities and skills. Orphosys Education dmit test is a scientific method for discovering what we need and how we learn, thus enhancing our lives through a holistic development approach. The DMI test encompasses the features of aptitudes, intelligence, and any psychological tests and provides the most thorough assessment.


What is DMIT?


Dermatoglyphic is a branch of science that uses fingerprint analysis to understand humans better. It gives you a special glimpse into their characters, which aids in your understanding of them. Dermatoglyphic is based on understanding from neuroscience, genetics, dermatoglyphic, psychology, and embryology. Scientists and medical experts who wish to assist people had better understand their own health developed the DMI Test. It has received acceptance from prestigious universities all across the world.


History of Dermatoglyphic


·        Johannes Evangelist Purkinje, a Czech physiologist, first described Dermatoglyphic in the mid-1800s.

·        He created a nine-pattern classification system for fingerprints, which later became a tool used by law enforcement to identify specific people.

·        Harold Cummins, a Professor of Anatomy at Tulane University, was the one who first coined the term “dermatoglyphic” in a paper published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 1926. He later wrote a book called Fingerprints, Palms and Soled (1943) which became a classic text in the field.

·        Dermatoglyphic have a long history in the east, but Western scientists were not initially aware of this. Bill Benham discussed it in his well-known work, The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading (1900), and Noel Joaquin and other researchers conducted extensive research on it in the 1930s. He speculated that the whorls that he had found in an unusually high number of criminals indicated a moral defect.


DMI Test Benefits

Each child has unique qualities and potential, but most parents are unaware of their children’s abilities. The DMI test is used to assess the intellectual development of young children. It can help parents understand their kids’ clear minds and brains, their strengths and weaknesses, and their particular qualities and potential.

Dermatoglyphic analysis can help us understand people who we’re studying on these things : 

·        DMIT can help you identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses, which may help them to better focus on their studies and future career options. Additionally, it can assist parents in determining which subjects are ideal for their kids and how they learn best.

·        DMIT is a fantastic tool for spotting potential health hazards and taking precautions you can determine your health risks by examining your fingerprints and matching them to those of others. After that, you can take precautions to avoid developing any health issues. DMIT can help improve children’s self-confidence and their self-esteem. Touch Therapy is a type of therapy using touch to improve a person’s mood and well-being.

·        DMIT can help improve children’s self-confidence and their self-esteem. Touch Therapy is a type of therapy using touch to improve a person’s mood and well-being.

·        DMIT can help children improve their overall well-being by identifying their unique strengths and weaknesses. This information can then help you create a personalized plan for your child that can help them reach their full potential.



Features of DMI Test


Authentic ity

There are no two identical fingerprints. The 10 fingers of one are different. Dermatoglyphic style, strip height, density, quantity, and location of the point are not the same for all. No individual has ever shown the same fingerprint from another place, even if it was taken by the same hand.


Even when the skin regenerates, the increased pattern network does not change over the course of life.


According to science statistics on the subject, immediate family members will likely be similar in appearance between the striae. Mutations can occur in normal human cell chromosomes. Because of this, the striae have been genetically altered.



How the DMI Test Works


The DMIT exam is an innovative evaluation method that makes use of dermatoglyphic (fingerprint analysis) to reveal a child’s learning preferences, aptitudes, and shortcomings.

The study of fingerprint ridge patterns is known as dermatoglyphic. These patterns are particular to each person and are thought to be impacted by both our environment and genes.

Since ancient times, fingerprint analysis has been used to identify criminals and solve crimes. The link between fingerprint patterns and personality traits has lately been studied in psychological research.

The DMI test analyses a child’s fingerprint patterns using specialized software to produce a report that details the child’s learning style, strengths, and limitations.

It simply takes a few minutes to perform the non-invasive exam. It is a cost-effective and practical technique to learn more about your child’s learning capacities.


Benefits of Dermatoglyphic


Benefits for Toddler

·        DMI Test helps in determining his personality and acquiring style.

·        Effective parenting helps to improve parent-child relationships.

·        The DMI test helps you discover your child’s talents.

·        DMIT helps children realize their innate talents and encourages them to express themselves.

·        DMIT reveals various innate traits in children such as quotations, left-right brain dominance, multiple intelligence levels and their distribution, personality traits, SWOT analysis, etc.

·        The above parameters help parents to understand their child and treat them accordingly. It helps in effective parenting for your child.


Benefits for Children


·        The DMI Test determines the type of education of choice, which will help educators score higher with less effort because they know the right way to work.

·        The results of the DMI test meet the expectations of the parents. Remember Albert Einstein – ‘Every child is a genius; but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will spend its entire life believing that it is stupid

·        The DMI test helps parents overcome a situation where parents compare their children to their peers, which sometimes leads to criticism of their child.

·        DMI tests show that even twin babies may have different brains, different fingerprints, and core competencies.

·        DMI Test helps each child focus on his or her core competencies or innate traits.

·        According to DMIT, there are 3 learning styles – visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Once you know the right learning style, you start working the right way and achieve great results.

·        Every child is full of talent; you just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.



DMI Test for Teenagers:

A big part of any human life is dedicated to education and academic development. This is where people prepare for their careers while also developing themselves personally. High school or 8th-10th grade is where things take a major turn in a student’s life. This is the age when children close towards cognitive maturity and their bodies develop biologically. A definitive period for students, the early teenage years marks.

Benefits for Teenagers:

·        DMIT reveals the best career path for each individual based on their innate intelligence. Stream/subject selection is the first step in career decision-making in student life. If the first button on the shirt goes right into the hole, all the other buttons fall into place. And remember, there is no reverse gear in life!

·        Compared to other psychometric tools for accessing career options, DMIT is much more reliable and its results do not change throughout your life.

·        DMIT results do not depend on the individual’s mood or are subject to manipulation when appearing for the test.

·        DMIT reveals our comfort zones or potential zones, which help us to work towards a stable career, excel with little effort, and be happy in life.

·        The benefit of DMI Test for Career Planning and Roadmap is Age 16 years or above. The DMI test not only reveals the best stream to choose from after the 10th it helps to design a complete career roadmap for life.

·        The DMI test helps determine the relative strength of the brain lobe, and these strengths can be mapped to a variety of career options.

·        According to Dr. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence, whatever we do, we use a combination of multiple intelligence. The same goes for our career path. Thus, it is a major advantage of DMI testing that based on individual strengths, we can find the right career, and accordingly, a career roadmap can be created.

·        The DMI test helps you narrow down your top 3 career choices based on your comfort zone. It has nothing to do with future predictions; can’t predict whether you will be a doctor or an engineer. But it can also reveal that if you choose to be a doctor, you will be happier in life.

·        An advanced DMIT report covers all career options, including and not limited to new-age career options. Also, a career counsellor who understands DMIT can use the DMIT report to guide you on the right career path and guide you from confusion to clarification by answering questions – what to do, why to do, and how to do it.



Step-by-step Career Counselling Guide for Students by DMI Test :

1.Selection of Subject : Students from 6th standard onward get the option to choose certain subjects from different boards including CBSE and ICSE

2. Peer Pressure :  Peer Pressure can negatively impact a person’s decision-making. Many students end up following wrong career paths and living an unsatisfied and stressful life without career counselling.

3.Academic Performance : Only academic performance should be considered when making college admissions decisions. The results of the 10th board exam are very important and are based on the understanding of the topics learned in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade.

4. Extracurricular Management : High school students should manage their extracurricular activities, family, and personal interests. This is the age where extracurricular avenues broaden while the teenager needs to balance between academics, extra classes, friends, family, and personal interests.

5.Selection of Streams : After 10th board exams, a student must choose their streams and subjects which will determine their future college and job options.


Step-by-step guide Counselling for Parents by DMI Test :

1. Career Counselling helps to build a healthy parent-child relationship and enforces wholesome development of the child. 

2. It engages both parents and the students to set the child on a path to their happy and flourishing future!

DMI Test for Corporate

Great performance is a factor in having a great job match. We offer our corporate reports for use at different stages of employment. The DMI Test for Corporate Employees can help you optimize the complete spectrum of human resources processes, from choosing the best candidate to fill a position to identifying gaps and focusing training efforts on areas that require development. The effectiveness of education, learning, and workshops could also be measured by using a pre & post-test of each employee.

Benefits for Corporate :

·        DMIT can be an excellent tool for hiring the right candidate for a specific job profile. The Corporate DMIT report contains a number of parameters that meet only this specific segment.

·        DMIT assists an employee in individual counselling and can increase their energy levels by showing them the right path and filling their comfort zones by determining what keeps them happy in life.

·        DMIT based counselling helps to reduce the attrition rate of employees in an organization.

·        This helps reduce employee frustration and increases the level of job satisfaction and therefore output in terms of work.



DMI Test for Couple

DMIT is designed to  help couples determine whether they’re compatible with each other or not . One important thing to make every marriage work is by having common dreams for the future of the relationship.

Benefits for Couples:

·        Let us acknowledge that most differences exist between individuals due to misunderstandings and expectations. DMI testing helps fix expectations from another person.

·        You can take advantage of the DMI test for Couples or Relationship Counseling with the Advanced Compatibility DMIT Report. DMIT helps us understand each other and once we understand each other, differences are reduced.

·        The advantage of DMI testing lies in the fact that a consistent DMIT report gives us consistency and recommendations for managing a variety of personalities.

·        In addition, the experience of a relationship/family counselor can work wonders to resolve conflicts by setting expectations correctly, instructing individuals to take care of their loved ones, and therefore resolving conflicts and differences to build bridges, not walls.

·        Marvin J. Ashton says – ‘If we can look into each other’s hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we will treat each other with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.’ DMIT can help.



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